
  1. González, L. (2023). El verdadero coste de los Acuerdos Transformativos. Anales de Química de la RSEQ, 119(4), 298–298.
  2. Brembs, B., Huneman, P., Schönbrodt, F., Nilsonne, G., Susi, T., Siems, R., Perakakis, P., Trachana, V., Ma, L., & Rodriguez-Cuadrado, S. (2023). Replacing academic journals. Royal Society Open Science10(7), 230206. //
  3. Bernal I., Román-Molina, J. (2018). Informe de la encuesta sobre evaluación por pares y el módulo “Open Peer Review” de DIGITAL.CSIC. Oficina Técnica de Digital.CSIC.
  4. Amigo, I.  Pascual-Garcia, A. (2017). Conflicts of interest in scientific publishing. EMBO Reports.
  5. Perakakis, P., Ponsati, A., Bernal, I., Sierra, C., Osman, N., Mosquera-de-Arancibia, C., Lorenzo, E. (2017). OPRM: Challenges to Including Open Peer Review in Open Access Repositories. Code4LIb, 35.
  6. Taylor, M., Perakakis, P., Trachana, V., Gialis, S. (2014). Rankings are the sorcerer’s new apprentice. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 13: pp. 10.
  7. Perakakis, P., Taylor, M. (2013). Academic self-publishing: a not-so-distant future. Prometheus, 31(3), pp. 257–263.
  8. Perakakis P., Taylor M., Mazza G.M., Trachana V. (2011). Understanding the role of open peer review and dynamic academic articles. Scientometrics. 88 (2), pp. 669–673. 
  9. Perakakis P., Taylor M., Trachana, V. (2010). The roads to open access. 2010 World Social Science Report. UNESCO Publishing, Paris. ISBN: 978-92-3-104131-0.
  10. Perakakis P., Taylor M., Mazza G.M., Trachana V. (2010). Natural selection of academic papers. Scientometrics 85 (2), 553–559. 
  11. Taylor M., Perakakis P., Trachana V. (2007). The siege of science. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 8(1), 17–40.

Presentations and workshops

  1. Ciencia abierta: contexto histórico y cambios actuales en la validación, evaluación y comunicación de la producción científica. PhD course 2023–2024. University of Malaga, Spain.
  2. Guía del autoestopista hacia la libertad académica. Course on Open Science organised by SEPNECA/SEPEX/SEPSICOBIO/UAM. March 5th, Madrid. 
  3. Introducción a la Ciencia Abierta: Transformando la Investigación para un Futuro Sostenible. PhD Course 2023–2024. University of Jaen, Spain.
  4. DeMéritos de la investigación científica. Invited round table at the Jornada Inter-CRECS 2023, Madrid, Spain. Video
  5. Innovación en prácticas de revisión por pares. Invited talk at the Conference on the foundations for the advancement of open science, organised by CSIC. September 4–6, 2023. Cuenca, Spain.
  6. Open Science with public infrastructure. Invited talk at the Eötvös Loránd University. 25 April 2023. Video
  7. Ciencia Abierta: El papel de las revistas académicas. Invited Talk at the Open Science conference organised by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. June 16th, 2022. Madrid.
  8. Ciencia abierta y su implicación en la evaluación de la investigación. Round table. 44th Annual Congress of the Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología molecular. Malaga, 6 September 2022.
  9. The Hittchhiker’s Guide to Academic Publishing. Invited talk at the Psychology department of New York University (NYU). 1 July 2021
  10. Science Collaboration and Open science. Roundtable panelist at the 1st Crowdfight Symposium on the Science of Collaboration. 15 June 2021. Video
  11. Hay vida más allá de las editoriales? La revista Psicológica y la nueva generación de comunicación científica. Keynote address at the annual conference of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental. 21 April 2021. Presentation
  12. Open Science: What, Why, How? Hot Topic Lecture about open science. Ghent University, Belgium, 19, May, 2017. Slides
  13. Open Science in an Open World. The 2nd Homo scientificus europaeus Meeting. Barcelona, Spain, 16 May, 2017
  14. One damn thing after another: The journal monopoly, how it came to be, what it means for science and what we can do about it. GATE CNRS. Lyon, France, 10 October 2016. Presentation
  15. An Open Peer Review Module for Open Access Repositories. Dublin, Ireland, 13–16 June 2016
  16. Why True Science is only Open Science. EURODOC2017. Oslo, Norway, 26–27 April 2017.  Presentation
  17. Next generation repositories. COAR annual meeting. Vienna, Austria, 11–14 April 2016. Video
  18. Presenting the first Open Peer Review Module for Open Access Repositories. CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 27 April 2016
  19. Open Peer Review workshop. Goettingen University, Germany. 7 June 2016. Report
  20. Modelos alternativos de validación y evaluación de la producción académica: hacía una evaluación mas eficiente, ética y transparente (Alternative models for the validation and evaluation of academic production: towards a more efficient, ethical and transparent evaluation system). Seminario sobre visibilidad y divulgación de la producción científica. Programa de doctorado en estudios migratorios. University of Granada, 5-6 February 2015
  21. New systems for scientific evaluation, peer-review and open access. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Jardin Botanico, Madrid, Open Access Week, 22 October 2014. ConclusionsPresentation
  22. Open, Portable, Decoupled – How should Peer Review change? SpotOn London, 8 November 2013
  23. Open Access to Scientific Reviews: Quantifying the opinion of peers. European University Institute, Florence, Open Access Week, 22 October 2013
  24. Current academic publishing and the LIBRE alternative. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI8), University of Geneva, 19-21 June 2013
  25. Beyond Open Access: facing the real problems. Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich 5 December 2013. Video
  26. How the impact factor power law came to be and the new alternatives. European Association of Science Editors (EASE). Barcelona, Spain, 14 May 2007
  27. Putting The Impact Factor In Its Place With A New Approach In Bibliometry. Mediterranean Editors & Translators (METM). Barcelona, Spain, 27-28 October 2006

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